Afrika Haus Berlin - Bochumer Str. 25 - 10555 Berlin (Moabit) - U-Bahn Turmstraße

Klimawandel und die SDGs- Afrikanische Perspektiven

05.10.2018 19:00 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt, es können aber Fragen auf Deutsch gestellt werden

Achieving Climate Action and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of African Civil Society‘


  • Mr. Jean Paul Brice Affana,  Founder of Vital Actions for Sustainable Development (AVD)
  • Ms. Lena Mäckelburg,  Founder of NAJU (Naturschutzjugend) Weil der Stadt


  • Ms. Denica Yotova,  Programmes Coordinator at European Council on Foreign Relations

Achieving Climate Action and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of African Civil Society“


In September 2015, 193 countries around the world, committed themselves to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for all people by 2030. The SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, ensure that all people enjoy peace and equity, and protect the planet through urgent climate action. While many African countries have made concrete steps to realize these goals, there is still much work to do in implementing the 2030 Agenda. In Africa, like in many other region of the world, one key challenge is how to move from high-level political commitments to the realization of the goals inside communities, cities, and countries. Other challenges include how to raise public awareness in order to create a collective journey with all diverse stakeholders in the implementation process and how to mobilize citizens to get closer to the SDGs and understand their own roles.
The panel will outline the challenges and potential ways forward to operationalize the SDGs through the eyes of civil society and a collaboration between citizens, local and regional governments, enterprises, social businesses, universities, and other institutions (in Africa and beyond). By exploring the role of citizens in the implementation of the SDGs and showcasing best practices, the panelists will share their own experiences and include the perspectives from the participants in the discussion.
